Sunday, February 5, 2017

One More Try

I had one hell of a year in 2016. More than seventy days in the hospital. An operation that saved me from near death. A slow and painful recovery. A depression that began when I realized--long before the election--that a demented clown would become our president and quickly begin to destroy our great country. December really sucked as one after another, cherished celebrities died. Hospital. Election. Depression. Death. I really didn't cry. I came close on election night but I couldn't even squeak out one tear. Didn't cry as my beloved celebrities died one after the other. Didn't cry when I suffered one physical setback after another and scarring that turned me into a type of Frankenstein's monster. But...

Things changed on Monday, January 30th. I was feeling miserable. Physically, I was suffering with another bout of bronchitis--and the pain was excruciating. Every time I coughed, my entire chest cavity felt like it would rip open as searing pain shot up and down the area where they'd sliced me open. Two hernias had developed during the healing process and they produced their own hellish pain. I had to go to the store. My husband was working late and I needed to get something for mom and I to eat. Also, we were low on a few staples. I headed out to Kroger. It was rainy and miserable. I wanted to get a rotisserie chicken but the deli folks told me it would be at least 45 minutes. I decided to wait. My body, racked with pain, slumped into one of the chairs in the in store café. I had the remaining groceries in a large cart which had done a great job of holding me up while I'd shopped. Then there, in the Kroger, George Michael's soothing voice came over the sound system in the form of one of my favorites, "One More Try"...and there, yes...right in the Kroger with people all around me, I burst into tears. They weren't just a few tears. I was sobbing. I was actually crying buckets right there in the Kroger. No one really paid any attention to me and I was glad for that. I hung my head low as the tears flowed. Then, just as soon as the song stopped playing, I gathered my wits and raised my head--dabbing my eyes with my jacket sleeve. The crying stopped. I felt better. You know that feeling you get when you're sick and you throw up and then actually feel better? That's how I felt.

Back home with my chicken, I gathered my thoughts. All of 2016 got out of me there at the Kroger. Every...last...bit... And I felt better. I really felt better. Sometimes all it takes is a really good cry. No matter where you are.

(Thanks for the reminder, Mr. Michael)