Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Just A Small Hit

I've made it through Lent (with just a few days to go) abstaining from Facebook. Well, mostly. I mean, I still communicated with my students with another Facebook page of the "professional" variety--but my truly pleasurable addiction is to my personal Facebook page and I was certainly missing it by the time Holy Week got here. It is an addiction and it's a generally pleasurable one so it was indeed a sacrifice to give it up for Lent. I also amped up my use of Instagram in the process but, as much as I love to share my photos, it doesn't provide the same satisfaction of putting my thoughts out there in Facebookland. My lesson for future Lenten sacrifice: true sacrifice would be all social media. That would be a tough one.

One of the things I realized about abstaining from Facebook was that I was spending so much time watching other peoples lives that I didn't spend as much time on my own. My personal journey has been on hold for the past ten years. Well, not entirely but certainly for the huge chunks of time consumed by Facebook voyeurism...and of course posting both short and lengthy diatribes, positive thoughts and quotes and far more than anyone should really know about my own life claimed additional chunks of time. Was it really ten years ago? Facebook reminds me constantly with the tempting (and often irresistible) "memories" that it was indeed. The sorcery they use appeals to those of us with a nostalgic streak as well. Ten years. I wouldn't remember many of the things I was doing on this day in 2009 if it wasn't for Facebook. Fortunately, Facebook didn't stop me from my regular practice of journaling...but my journaling did become less frequent after it came on the scene.

Big question: Will I now spend less time on Facebook? Who knows? I would like to think this sabbatical has impressed something meaningful and that I'll be more cautious about the time I spend checking in and checking out others' checking in. We'll see.

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